God’s Plan. Our Future.
Welcome! This is where you will find information and updates concerning our building project. Please keep your church and school in your prayers as we move forward under “God’s Plan. Our Future.”!
St. John - St. James Lutheran Church Established 1879
Church Address
219 Manitowoc Street
Reedsville, WI 54230
Office: 920-754-4568
Reedsville, WI 54230
Office: 920-754-4568
School Address
219 Manitowoc Street
Reedsville, WI 54230
Office: 920-754-4432
Reedsville, WI 54230
Office: 920-754-4432
WELS is a group of nearly 400,000 men, women, and children in nearly 1,300 congregations across the United States and Canada united by a common faith in Christ’s saving love. We are committed to a common calling—encouraging each other in our faith and sharing God’s gift of a Savior with the rest of the world.
Copyright© St. John - St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church & School